
Current Practices

Click through to see the practices mentioned in our current episode.

Gathering Space

Picture your life, just as it is.

Imagine, now, that your life is just right, just as it is. With all it’s too muchness and not enoughness. Use your imagination to picture your life, just as it is, as just right. This may take no effort and this may take a lot of effort. Luckily the imagination is lighter than air. Now. Back to the practice. Your life.

Got it? Great!

What parts of your life would you like to gather a little more space around?

You are gathering space not to change anything, not yet, at least. Just to be curious. Just to offer compassionate witness. What parts of your life are asking to be aired out and released?

Gathering A Day

Somewhere at or near the start of your day, select something, or some general attribute — we’ll call it One Big Thing — that you want to gather space around, that you think will help you through your day.

Once you’ve done that, take a look at what is going on in your day and distill all your happenings into three main areas or categories — we’ll call this Today’s Trinity.

Throughout the day, can you pause and check in with your feelings? Are your actions lining up with your intentions? Can you call yourself back to your One Big Thing? Can you return to Today’s Trinity? If not, are your actions asking to be adjusted or are your actions asking for some compassionate restructuring of your space and energy?

How are you in relationship to what you value and what you aim to accomplish today?

If your answer to this question is making you wince, back yourself up. Apply a lot of self-love and try again when the time is right. Know that you are doing the very best you can, and that your habits have grown from very good reasons, whether they continue to serve you or not.